Contact us: Cody Gardner

I specialize in expanding brand reach and increasing revenue for businesses by using innovative and effective digital marketing methods.

BRONZE PACKAGE: $1,500 + $1,000 Ad spend
Brand Story:

Creating/Managing Social Media:
And any other platforms that would work best for your business
Basic Brand Spending:
Facebook advertisements
Instagram advertisements
($1,000 spending ad spend)
Basic Website/funnel Optimization:
Creating or Redesigning website
Facebook pixel: Being able to track the data of the visits to your website, certain pages and specific products and using that data to retarget highly motivated people. Informing your current/potential customers about the background story of the business
Creating more of a professional presence on social media and the internet that will persuade more customers to enter your sales funnel
Creating more brand awareness

SILVER PACKAGE: $2,500 + $1,500 Ad spend
(includes all services from Bronze package)
Brand story
Creating/Managing Social Media Platforms
Increased Brand Spending
Email marketing

More Advance Website Optimization
Creating or Redesigning website
Hashtag and Keyword Research
Finding popular hashtags that will help your business get more known in your community
Creating Contest & Giveaways
Creating a Unique way to gain exposure/customers
All benefits from the Bronze Package
More brand exposure
More opportunities to get people into sales funnel
Collect peoples contact and personal information (Name, email address, and phone number) for potential future sales
Optimizing website more, to attract and keep customers moving through sales funnel

GOLD PACKAGE: $5,000 + $5,500 Ad Spend
(Includes all services from the Silver Package)
Brand Story
Creating/Managing Social Media Platforms
Advanced Website Optimization
Contest & Giveaways
Increase Brand Spend:
Facebook Advertisements
Instagram Advertisements
Email Marketing
SMS Marketing

Lead generation campaigns:
Will help bring in more potential customers
Facebook pixel: Being able to track the data of the visits to your website, certain pages and specific products and using that data to retarget highly motivated people
All benefits from Silver package
Increasing brand awareness that will bring in a lot of new customers
Bring in more sales that will help raise revenue to desired amount
More organic traffic
More variety of range

PLATNIUM PACKAGE: $10,000 + $20,000 Ad Spend
(Includes benefits all packages)
Brand Story
Creating/Managing Social Media Platforms
Advanced Website Optimization
Contest & Giveaways
Viral Video
Email Marketing
Facebook Pixels
Lead Generation Campaigns
Facebook Advertising
Instagram Advertising
Gain exposure for your business that will bring in a LARGE amount of traffic to desired area (Website, Landing page or any other page)
Chat Bots:
Keep your current/potential customers updated
More opportunities for sales
Adding another channel that brings customers to your sales funnel
Benefits from all Packages and many more
Reaches a different audience that are still in your target audience
Creating a viral video to gain A LOT more exposure and sales
Keeping current/potential customers updated and promoting sales

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